- Fast Mondays - Starry
- Fast Mondays - Starry
- Fast Mondays - Starry
- Fast Mondays - Starry
- Fast Mondays - Starry
- Fast Mondays - Starry
- Fast Mondays - Starry

- Fast Mondays - Starry

¥2,995 JPY

シャツ在庫: アメリカンアパレル

Shipping From: Los Angeles, California
Shirt Stock : American Apparel

おいおいウソでしょ!? 誰もが思うよね...月曜日キラーイ!!!

週末気分から抜けられなくてさ...寝坊しちゃってさ...急いで準備してさ...なんとか間に合ったとか思って一息つこうとした次の瞬間...ああああぁぁぁぁ!!!! 一気に崖っぷちに追い詰められた!! なーんて事あるよね??


OMG! Everybody knows these Monday feels!

Have you ever woke up late and... rushed to get ready for your daily hustle and... then when you arrived to your destination you realized that you didn't actually get ready enough and... now you're in the middle of your own whirlwind story of a day?!

This shirt is for you!

*Prices are set in Japanese Yen and converted to USD for display purposes

Yes! MORE for YOU!!